the Extra-Terrestrial (1982) - (1) Clips from the film were used in the fake trailer the Duffers created to pitch the show. The Dark Crystal (1982) - A poster for the film is hung in Mike's bedroom throughout the first season.Clue (1985) - The film's atmosphere and cinematography inspired the first season.Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977) - When developing the character Joyce, the Duffer Brothers "talked a lot about Richard Dreyfuss in Close Encounters, because for much of the show Winona Ryder is entirely on her own and to the outside world she seems absolutely bonkers." Stranger Things' setting in Indiana references the setting of Close Encounters.Christine (1983) - The high schooler's outfits throughout the film were a reference in costume design for the first season.Carrie (1976) - The Duffer Brothers have mentioned Eleven's struggle to keep her powers in check throughout the first season was mainly inspired by Carrie's struggle to contain her powers in the film.The film centers on four boys struggling to keep their friendship together, similarly to Stranger Things’ four main friends. Breaking Away (1979) - The film partly inspired the show's Indiana setting, with the quarry scenes being direct references to the film.Battle of the Bulge (1965) - The white hair of Robert Shaw’s character, Col.Jonathan mentions that he’s “a big fan of Thumper”. Bambi (1942) - In "The Flea and the Acrobat", while Nancy and Jonathan practice shooting in the woods, Jonathan reminisces about the time his father forced him to go hunting and shoot a rabbit on his tenth birthday, making him cry for a week.Altered States (1980) - The film's subject matter was a source of inspiration for the experiments which took place at Hawkins Lab, and served as the basis for Terry Ives's backstory.In "The Flea and the Acrobat", Steve visits Nancy and offers her to see the film due to her love of Tom Cruise.
All the Right Moves (1983) - The film is shown playing at the Hawkins Movie Theatre.This might be an inspiration for Eleven's "name". The Espers were assigned subject numbers alongside their real names, with Akira himself being number 28. Similarly, Eleven's powers are used by the Department of Energy to spy on Russians during the Cold War. These children were test subjects, experimented on in a secret government project - the government aimed to develop and use their abilities for personal gain. Akira features children who possess psychic powers, collectively referred to as "Espers". The Duffer Brothers stated that there was a lot of Akira in the show's DNA. Akira (1988) - The plot follows a teenage biker with psychic powers, who attempts to release an imprisoned psychic named Akira.The film also inspired the Duffers to create an animatronic monster. The egg that Hopper observes, as well as the tendril found down Will's throat, were nods to Alien. His surname is taken from Dan O'Bannon, who wrote Alien's screenplay. In the first season, David O'Bannon is the state trooper who claims to have found Will's body. Alien (1979) - Alien inspired the Upside Down's appearance in Stranger Things.2.1.4 "Stranger Things: Halloween in Hawkins".

2.1.2 "Stranger Things and Dungeons and Dragons".The Extra Terrestrial or Stand By Me the teenagers in a classic horror film, like John Carpenter's Halloween or Wes Craven's A Nightmare on Elm Street and the adults in a classic Spielberg movie, like Close Encounters of the Third Kind. The storylines of the three generations in the show were envisioned with their own mood and setting, inspired by different genres of films: the kids in adventure films, like E.T. The Duffers said their influences came from a thousand different places, and though there are a couple of intentional homages, "it's not us trying to find moments to do an homage to stuff."

Steven Spielberg, John Carpenter and Stephen King have been named as main influences. The Duffer Brothers aimed for the show to capture the feeling of classic films they loved growing up, which were connected by "these very ordinary people encountering these very extraordinary things." They hoped the show would lead younger generations to discover the stuff they grew up on.
The Netflix original series Stranger Thingsis heavily influenced by pop culture, primarily (but not limited to) 1980s film and television.